There is power in the words we speak. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 19:21 that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Said another way, the words we speak have power. What we say will manifest in our lives. Whether positive or negative, we can have what we profess. We must be careful how we speak about ourselves and those we love. We can unintentionally call things to be that we did not intend. We must be careful who we listen to and allow to speak over our lives. I will never forget being told by one of my college advisors that I would never get into medical school. Thankfully, I knew better and did not internalize what she declared over me. I rejected her proclamation and continued to pursue my dream of becoming a physician.
We must profess who we are and who we want to be. Daily affirmation is one way to accomplish this. My freshman year in college my roommate and I would recite Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman” before we started each day. I am not sure we fully understood the power behind those words, but we did it faithfully. We believed those words, and we proclaimed them over ourselves. It was an effective and powerful exercise.
Self-affirmation is a way of expressing love and appreciation to yourself. Daily affirmations reinforce what you believe about yourself, even if it hasn't come to fruition. When you profess positivity over your life, you are setting your intentions. You are essentially willing those things to be. When we speak and affirm, we attract those things into our lives.
So, be mindful of your speech and the power that it yields. Affirm yourself!
Here’s to your health!