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Unplugging as Self-Care

Doctor Kellee

I recently ran across this quote, and I love it! It is so true. Think about it. How many times have you unplugged something to get it working again? Is the TV acting crazy? Unplug it. Is the computer frozen for no apparent reason? Unplug it! A “hard reset” and unplugging these items for a few seconds may be just enough to get them functional. The human body is not much different. When we are in sensory overload and feeling overwhelmed, we benefit from unplugging for a while. There is no better feeling than turning off your phone and relaxing without interruption. The act of unplugging helps us to decompress and regain perspective. Like many appliances, we function better when turned off for a bit. The brain needs to rest to rejuvenate itself and function properly. Constant stress and inputs overload the brain and lead to increased stress and anxiety. Allowing the brain/mind time to rest is critical for self-care. Here are a few ways to unplug.


7 Ways to Unplug to Enhance Self-Care

  1. Place your phone in do not disturb mode or turn it off completely.

  2. Turn off the television and spend some quiet time with your thoughts.

  3. Take a bath (make sure to give yourself a spa-like experience) and just relax.

  4. Make time for journaling and reflecting on your thoughts.

  5. Fast from social media and focus on spending time with friends/family.

  6. Get a massage. Get a manicure/pedicure and leave your phone in the car.

  7. Sit in your favorite spot on the couch and listen to that audiobook you have been meaning to dive into.


 Unplugging is a simple way to rejuvenate yourself and prioritize your self-care. Make time to unplug in a way that suits you!


Here's to your health!

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