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Why Your Mindset and Mental Health Matters

Doctor Kellee

The way you think has implications on your outcomes. If you believe you will be successful, you will be. If you say you can’t, you are correct! The road to success starts in your mind. Before you can move your arm, your brain must initiate the movement. Your body does not move without coordination with your brain. Our brains are so powerful that these “sign and co-sign” moments happen in milliseconds. This process occurs thousands of times per day and is a testament to the power of the mind.


 To actualize something, you must first visualize it. You imagine yourself at the finish line after achieving your goal. You see yourself with the reward in your hands. You dream about how you will feel in that moment. These exercises help you to realize your goal is attainable. Once you make up your mind, you are halfway there. Your mind is so powerful that your body will respond. It must! When your mind is determined, you are unstoppable!


In addition to changing your mind, you must also change the words you speak about yourself and your abilities. Your mind will respond to what it heard you say. Read that again! When you speak positively about your future, you will see what you professed! You can manifest your dreams by speaking them into existence with a made-up mind. 


Your mindset matters! Get your mind right!


Here’s to your health!

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