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Hydration as Self-Care

Doctor Kellee

Did you know that your body is 60 percent water? Water is essential to your body’s ability to work optimally. Every cell and organ is dependent on water to perform a specific function. It has multiple positive effects on the body and promotes overall health and wellness. It helps regulate your body temperature and keeps your electrolytes within normal range. Water lubricates your joints and acts as an insulator to endure physical stress. It is necessary to flush toxins from the body through the kidneys. The lack of water can cause your kidneys to fail. Adequate hydration is also essential to promoting a healthy gut. Regular waste elimination from the colon is dependent on your water intake. Poor hydration leads to constipation, abdominal pain, and incomplete evacuation of the bowels. Your brain is also water-dependent. The better your hydration, the better your concentration and memory. Water is also a powerful stimulus for increasing your metabolism and promoting healthy digestion. If you are trying to lose weight, increasing your water intake will help.

As a rule of thumb, you should drink one-third of your body weight (in ounces) daily. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink at least 50 ounces of water each day. Everyone is different, as are their needs. There are some medical conditions that restrict the amount of water a person ingests daily. If you are unsure how much water you should be drinking daily, please contact your physician. Your physician can guide you based on your specific needs. Remember, water is a requirement for proper body function and overall health promotion. It has many health benefits, and people who drink more water tend to be healthier. Make water a staple in your diet.

Here’s to your health!

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