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Doctor Kellee

Hydration and Water Intake as Self-Care

Water is essential to your body’s ability to work optimally. Every cell and organ within the body depends on water to function. Water has multiple positive effects on the body. It promotes overall health and wellness. The amount of water you drink affects your brain, your skin, your kidney function, and so much more. Your body is 60% water! As a rule of thumb, you should drink one-third of your body weight (in ounces) of water daily. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink at least 50 ounces of water each day. This may sound like a lot of water, but you can do it with consistency. Here are some tips to help you increase your water intake.


Tips To Improve Water Intake:

  1. Start your day with a glass of water.

  2. Drink small quantities more frequently. Every ounce counts!

  3. Travel with water to ensure it is easily accessible. There are a variety of water bottles to suit your preferences.

  4. Add fruit to your water to enhance the flavor.

  5. Unsweetened tea counts towards your water intake. There are so many flavors to choose from. Enjoy!

  6. Drink eight ounces of water with each meal.


Remember, water is required for proper body function and overall health promotion. It has many health benefits, and people who drink more water tend to be healthier. Make water a staple in your diet. You won’t regret it!


Here’s to your health!

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