Heart disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death in black women. We tend to have higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and inactivity when compared to our white counterparts. There are social factors, or determinants of health, that contribute to higher rates of certain disease states in black people. The lack of access to care, poorer living conditions, and overall lower socio-economic status are a few of them. There is also a lack of information in communities of color as it relates to health and well-being. I created this blog to ensure credible, relevant information circulates within our communities. As the adage goes, when we know better, we do better. Here are some practical ways to take better care of your heart.
5 Ways To Improve Your Heart Health
Take your blood pressure at home and record it. Hypertension is a silent killer. Be proactive and check it periodically at home to ensure it is within the normal range.
Eat a balanced diet. Try to avoid fried, processed foods. The goal should be for lean meats (chicken, fish, turkey), fruits, and vegetables.
Move your body! Exercise is important. It is necessary to keep the heart healthy and strong. Try to exercise 3-4 days each week.
Avoid excessive carbohydrate intake. Pasta, bread, rice, soda, and desserts are carbohydrates that are stored as fat within the body. We should eat these foods in moderation.
Stop smoking! Tobacco causes harm to our blood vessels and lungs. It is poison to the body and causes irreversible damage.
During the month of February, we bring attention to heart health, particularly in women. Many heart-related deaths are avoidable with proper nutrition, education, and early detection. Know your risks and understand how you can lower your risks. Make heart health a priority!
Here’s to your health!