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Flexibility as Self-Care

Doctor Kellee

Flexibility is the ability to “bend without breaking.” Said another way, it is our ability to adapt to our current situation. It is directly related to our commitment to reaching the end goal and our willingness to pivot to achieve it. Life is a culmination of the things that happen to us. No one is exempt from the challenges life brings. We cannot always control what happens to us, but we can control our response to adversity. Your mindset directly correlates to your level of flexibility. A grasp of the principle of flexibility is essential as we navigate life, especially if you plan to achieve your life goals.

Rigidity is the opposite of flexibility, and it can be crippling. Rigid things break easily under pressure because they lack the core components that allow flexibility. People with rigid thinking limit their quality of life. Life is to be lived. We should endeavor to try new things, meet new people, and be open to new experiences. In fact, we teach this principle to young children. As they grow, healthy parenting requires that we expose them to various foods and activities. This exposure allows them to have a well-rounded childhood and development. They may discover an activity or food that they really enjoy. If we encourage this behavior in children, why stray away from it as adults? As we mature and experience life, we must practice flexibility more!

I want to encourage you to be intentional about implementing the practice of flexibility. It applies to every area of your life. Try a new thing. If a door closes, try a different door or maybe a window! Do not be deterred when adversity arrives. Be steadfast. Be Flexible!

Here’s to your health!

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