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Breathing as Self-Care

Doctor Kellee

Breathing is the process by which we take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Oxygen is necessary for the proper function of the body. Breathing benefits the body in many ways. It helps us to think, move our muscles, digest food, and so much more. There are several different breathing techniques, but we will focus on deep breathing. Deep breathing involves engaging the diaphragm and stimulates the “rest and digest” functions of the nervous system. Proper breathing is responsible for so many healthy body functions. Let’s discover how this simple action can positively impact our self-care.

9 Benefits of Deep Breathing

  1. Increases focus and productivity

  2. Increases immunity

  3. Decreases stress and anxiety

  4. Improves digestion

  5. Improves sleep quality

  6. Provides pain relief

  7. Detoxifies the body

  8. Increases energy

  9. Lowers blood pressure

Breathe in.

Breathe out.


Here’s to your health!

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