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Accountability as Self-Care

Doctor Kellee

Most of us lead busy lives. Even with the best intentions, we struggle to get things done. Each year, we set our goals with the intention of achieving them. If we are honest, our well-intentioned plans can be difficult to execute. Despite our best efforts, finding the time and energy to actualize our dreams can be difficult. To be successful, we need to be accountable for what we have said we wish to accomplish. For some tasks, we can hold ourselves accountable. For others, we need an external force to keep us on task. An accountability partner supports you and encourages you to keep your commitment to achieving your goals. Your accountability partner may be a friend, co-worker, or mentor you trust and whose opinion you respect. The selected individual should believe in you and your ability to accomplish your goal. They must be reliable and willing to see the process through with you. Here are some things you should do before you select your accountability partner.


  1. Be clear on your goal and write it down!

  2. Set deadlines for yourself. Your accountability partner can help you stay true to the timeline you have set for yourself. Pre-set deadlines can be adjusted. Setting dates of completion helps to ensure your project moves forward.

  3. Do your research. Make sure you understand the nuances of what you are undertaking. Knowing what to expect will make it easier to set deadlines.

  4. Be serious about completing the task. If your vision or timeline has changed, communicate with your accountability partner. You want to be respectful of their time.

  5. You are your first accountability partner. You are responsible for your dreams and aspirations. No one can do your work for you. It is OK to pivot and allow yourself grace, but procrastination will deter you from achieving your goal.


Accountability is an essential part of life. It is necessary to be successful and productive. Dreams become reality with a clear plan, self-accountability, and a reliable partner. 


Here’s to your health!

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